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Yes, it's true...Windfall is now (sadly) for sale and we are back in the good ol' USA..for now. |
We have had GREAT adventures with Windfall, priceless friends made, and sights most people only dream of but never see. But, our new adventure is "Dos Aguas Finca" (Two Waters Farm) and is worthy of all the dreams Nancy and I have. We've so many plans for the property, including building new casitas (small apartments), a new house, plant acres of tropical fruits and native hardwoods, and provide Nancy (and me she added) with all the gardening she/we can handle!
We have Bruce (neighbor on the island) who has a PhD in Botany who is currently growing the tropical and native hardwoods (in his greenhouses) for our 7 1/2 acre farm. Luckily, we've also got some great help with the new construction(s) and others to help with the planting of trees, building trails, and so many other needed projects we've got in store.
It's always a bit of "culture shock" when Nancy and I return to the USA. So many TV commercials, traffic, people, and abundance of things in the stores...don't get me wrong, it's pretty overwhelming to walk into a Super Walmart and see so much stuff for sale! Nancy and I were like kids in a candy store! Oh, and the prices! Gulp! I actually paid 59 cents a pound for bananas and it's $3.99 for ONE pineapple ...of which we have both growing on our farm for free! Oh well.
Windfall is moored at a safe and secure place for $150/month, not in a marina costing over $500/month - Saving us $350 per month. We plan to stay in the US for about 9 months, giving us needed funds to a least begin the construction process of the new apartments. We plan on building 5 apartments with one apartment for Ovidio, his wife Camaria, and their 10 year old son. Needless to say, they are excited for things to get started as well.
We've had many people working on the property and getting as much cutting and digging done as possible before Nancy and I returned to the US. We've been very fortunate to have Ovidio as our full time property caretaker, he's been working on the property for the last 7 years and knows it better than anyone. Before leaving, we purchased for Ovidio (and me) a new gas weedeater and tools to help with the caring of the property, he's been using a machete to cut the grass and weeds and looks forward to using a weedeater!
Nancy and I are anxious to return back "home" to Panama. Hopefully Windfall will sell before too long and we can focus on our Dos Aguas Finca. Bastimentos really a beautiful place with long sandy tropic beaches and warm water...it's no wonder Bocas del Toro and Bastimentos Island are world tourist destinations... and growing! There is so much to do and see...Best if you come on down and see for yourself! We're easy to get to with the Bocas airport just minutes away...Oh, and don't forget to bring a hammer and shovel!